Thursday, April 25

Tag: oats

What is Oatmeal ?
Ingredients Insight

What is Oatmeal ?

You do love oatmeal, right? And by the way, how to decide which type of oats to add to your breakfast in the morning? To have the most benefit of oats you must remember that the less processing the go through the healthier they are. Below are the different types of oats from least to most processed: 1. Groats Groats are minimally processed whole oats with just the outer hull removed. They are quite chewy and need a good soaking before use. Groats also take some time to cook. The groats are loaded with nutrients, try throwing some in your slow cooker! 2. Steel-cut Oats or Scotch Oats These are oat groats that have been chopped into smaller pieces. The steel cut oat is the chewiest form of oatmeal and provides the most textural expreience. This type of oat also does well in the s...